"Sometimes we have to take
the plunge and grow wings
on the way down."
This metaphor suggests leaving our comfort zone behind; breaking free of our delusions of certainty, and risk something to gain something better.
Life is Short; Time is Fleeting —
Grow Wings is a metaphor for take the risk, do it in spite of reservations, and feel the exhilaration. Exhiliration; not fear — the two are often confused based on how we interpret the feeling.
Time is the stuff of life. We don't know how much we have, but time is something we can control until we run out of it. Squeezing the maximum of joy and achievement out of time should be our top priority. Time is a favorite writing topic of mine.
I'm a writer, author and photographer along with being a woman with a curious nature. This is my home on the net where I share my opinions, ideas, aspirations, and various writings. I hope you find something that piques your interest. I would be pleased if you let me know. If you have any opinions or questions, or if I can be of help in some way, drop me a line.
Barbara —