Words That Grow Wings —

Everything Happens For a Reason

The expression "everything happens for a reason" is a common one. No one tells us what the reason is. Let me be the first — The reason is you make it happen. Nothing worthwhile happens until we get moving and make it happen.

Things and situations left alone seem to have a life of their own. Nothing stands still, but without intervention, without attention and intention, they come to naught. Things deteriorate without positive attention. Our home will get cluttered and dirty without maintenance. Maintenance is the key to living. Not only will our body get flabby and fat without exercise, but our mind and emotions become dull as well.

Everything in life has a function, everything is in motion — moving forward or backward. Nothing stands still.

“Good things happen when we intend, plan, focus, get moving and make it happen."

We need to continually move forward. Every time we achieve something new, we are asserting who we are and what we are about. We are asserting our aliveness; we are moving forward. Challenge is good for our mind, body and soul.

The key to achievement in our life is aspiration. We find within us what we desire and need that enlivens our passion — our passion supplies the inspiration to act.

Whatever your individual desire or need is, you need to aspire, then move on to become inspired and then on to action and finally achievement.

The experience of achieving an ambitious goal is exhilarating. It elevates our self confidence, motivates us to keep moving forward, and is in sync with the natural forces always in motion in life —
