Words That Grow Wings —

Grow Wings Metaphor

When we make the choice to embrace uncertainty, we become creative in a way we've never experienced before.

Grow Wings — a metaphor for take the risk and feel the exhilaration of the unknown. Exhiliration — not fear — the two are often confused by how we interpret the feeling. The full quote – ‘Take the plunge, and grow wings on the way down’ means to leave our comfort zone behind — break free from our delusions of certainty, and risk something, to accomplish something greater than our comfort zone.

'Grow Wings’ means take the risk and feel
the exhilaration of the unknown.

By the time we are about forty-five, we have missed, gave up, or decided not to take certain opportunities. At this crossroad, half way through our life, it’s time for reassessment.

It’s time to look at where we’ve been, where we want to be, and where we are. There is still any number of opportunities available to us if we only leave our comfort zone and take them.

Take the risk! –

If we are content to spend the second half of our life as we spent the first half, then we need do nothing different. Opportunities will continue to close, and at some point will compress our comfort zone. Nothing stays the same.

The only certainty in life is uncertainty. Becoming comfortable with uncertainty means we can adapt. When we are adaptable, risk is not so scary, not a thing to avoid, but to embrace.

There is a bit of euphoria in saying yes to an opportunity — and growing wings on the way down. When we make the choice to embrace uncertainty, we become creative in the moment in a way we've never experienced before.

Next opportunity, take the plunge – watch those wings grow.
